Hearing Test in Singapore

hearing test singapore at no cost

Are you having hearing issues? Do you find it hard to engage in a conversation, whether it’s face to face or on a mobile device? Hearing loss can affect anyone and progresses gradually, making it hard to notice until you experience symptoms; thus, it is essential to run a hearing test when you deem it necessary. Find out more on how to get a free hearing test in Singapore at no cost to you.

  • On this page, you will learn:
  • What is a hearing test?
  • What are the types of Hearing tests?
  • Do you need a hearing test?
  • What to expect at your hearing test?
  • Where to get a professional hearing test in Singapore?

What is a Hearing Test?

A hearing test evaluates the sensitivity of a person’s sense of hearing and to measure the lowest sound that can be heard several points across the speech range. The purpose of having a hearing test is to determine any hearing issues and their severity.

A thorough hearing test can also help define the type of hearing loss you have, whether it’s conductive, sensorineural, or mixed and whether it will respond best to medical treatment.

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

Hearing loss is caused by dysfunction of the inner ear, the cochlea, auditory nerve, or brain damage. Due to damaged hair cells in the cochlea and as we grow older, the hair cells lose some of their function, making hearing deteriorates. However, hearing loss may affect people of all ages, hence making hearing tests essential for those who are struggling with hearing.

Among hearing loss symptoms, you need to be aware of are as below:

The Need for Higher Volumes in Devices

Needing to increase the volume on mobile devices or television indicates the early sign that you are probably struggling with a mild hearing loss.

Struggling to Communicate

Individuals with hearing loss will struggle to communicate effectively, significantly affecting hearing high frequency sounds more than low frequencies.

Difficulty Hearing in Noisy Environments

Difficulty hearing in a noisy and crowded place is also one of the early signs of hearing loss. Individuals with a mild hearing loss may be able to hear well in a quiet room but not in a noisy environment.

What to Expect at Your Hearing Test?

Knowing the needs for a hearing test is the first step you need to take to learn more about your hearing ability and improving your situation. Once you have realised that you need a hearing test, you can instantly check-up for appointments at the nearest hearing experts.

Prior to the hearing test appointment, it is recommended that you have at least 16 hours of noise-free period.

Additionally, below are the steps you will need to face in a hearing test.

Step 1: Personal Details and Medical History

Step 1 in getting to know your hearing issues is for the hearing experts to collect your details and medical history. You must allow the experts to understand any hearing problems you have been facing and any previous hearing assessments’ results.

Step 2: Otoscope

The next step is for the experts to check your ear canal’s integrity and eardrums before the hearing test. In this process, an otoscope is used to ensure nothing is prohibiting the hearing assessment.

otoscope checking before hearing test

What is An Otoscope?

An otoscope is a medical device that is used to look deeper into the ears. Otoscopes are widely used to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum.
An otoscope is usually used before hearing tests to determine any hearing loss symptoms and the kind of hearing tests required for an individual.

otoscope for hearing test

Step 3: Pure-tone audiometry

Pure tone audiometry is the primary hearing test used to identify an individual’s hearing threshold levels, allowing determination of the degree, type, and configuration of a hearing loss and thus providing a basis for diagnosis and management.

hearing test singapore


What is Pure-Tone Audiometry?

Pure tone audiometry is the primary hearing test used to identify an individual’s hearing threshold levels. The test also enables the determination of the degree, type, and configuration of a hearing loss and provides a basis for diagnosis and management.

Pure-tone audiometry

This test uses air conduction to measure an individual’s ability to hear sounds at different volume and frequency. The test will be conducted in a specially designed booth, and you will be required to press a button or indicate every time you hear a tone that is being broadcasted.

Step 4: Consultation

Last but not least is the consultation. This step is taken to explain the test results and management plans of whether your hearing disability requires a hearing aid.

Once the testing is complete, you will then be presented with your test results on a graph called an audiogram that displays the softest sounds you can hear at different pitches or frequencies. The next step is to find out whether your hearing loss requires treatment or an appropriate hearing aid.

Essentially, the hearing experts will also run a fitting trial at this point to get you to experience different types of hearing aids.

Price of Hearing Test

How much would a hearing test typically cost? At JGlasses & Hearing, our hearing test that will be conducted by our professional team is free of charge, making it possible for you to experience an extensive hearing consultation with a free mind.

Book a Professional Hearing Test in Singapore

At JGlasses & Hearing, we make hearing tests and hearing aids accessible for everyone. We will enable our clients with a safe, painless, and non-invasive hearing consultation and tests that you require.

To find out more, book your appointment here at our shop for your free hearing test at no cost to you with our professional hearing aids Singapore teams.
